Beta vulgaris L. var. crassa Mansf.
Brand: Seklos
Packaged:300,0 g
Ex Tax: 7.45€
Semi-sugar fodder beet "Ursus Poly" - Beta vulgaris L. var. crassa Mansf.
Excellent feed for domestic animals, increases milk yield.
Multi-sprout, polyploid, cylindrical. Suitable for manual harvesting. Orange-yellow root crop with a blunt tip. The pulp is white-cream. Immersion in the soil is 40%.
Root crops contain: sugars, protein, fat, fiber, vitamins. % of dry matter: 11.5-14%.
Tops are fed fresh and ensiled, used to make grass meal.
Root crop yield 1000-1250 c/ha.
Leaf yield: 280-350 c/ha.
The variety is distinguished by a high content of dry matter, excellent keeping quality, and resistance to diseases. Resistant to flowering.
Sucrose content in 1 kg of beets: 0.10-0.12 feed units.
Digestible protein content in 1 kg of beets: 6-8 grams.
Contains carotene.
Sowing rate: 10-15 kg per 1 ha.
Sowing: it should be sown in rows (60-70 cm). Sowing seeds is carried out in May, to a depth of 3 cm (the optimum soil temperature for seed germination is +20+22 °C).
Top dressing: after germination, giving 300-400 g of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers per 10 m2. If possible, water.
Harvest the root crops before frost sets in.
It is worth noting that the above-ground part of the plant (tops) is also used as animal feed (in addition, the green rosette of leaves is excellent for silage).

Fodder beet Ursus Poly
Fodder beet semi-sugar. Beta vulgaris L. var. Crassa Mansf.

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